Starting secondary school

How to apply for a secondary school place.

How to apply

If your child was born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014, you must apply for a secondary school place for September 2025.

The closing date for applications was 31 October 2024.

If you want to visit a school before applying, contact the school directly. See also school open events and online talks giving application advice.

Before you apply: 

Apply online now 

If you cannot apply online, contact us to have a paper form sent to you to instead. 

Faith schools 

Some faith schools ask for further information when applying. You must contact the school and ask them to send you the form. 

Find out which faith schools ask for further information.

Harris Academy Tottenham  

If applying to the Harris Academy your child must take a test. They will contact you to arrange this. 

What happens after applying 

If you applied online, you’ll get an email confirming your application’s been received. The email will list all the application details and include an application reference number like 309-2025-E-XXXXX. 

If you do not receive an email, contact us to check your application was submitted. 

Offer of a school place 

If we have an email address for you, we’ll email you on National Offer Day (3 March), offering your child a school place. 

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