Club premises certificate

When you need a club premises certificate, how to apply and fees.

When you need a club premises certificate and how to apply

A club premises certificate allows you to supply alcohol and regulated entertainment in a qualifying club. 

Qualifying club 

A qualifying club must satisfy the following conditions: 

  • it has premises that are occupied and used regularly for club purposes  
  • the club rules state a person must wait at least 2 days from their application before getting membership privileges 
  • alcohol and entertainment are only provided to members and their guests 
  • only someone over 18 and elected to do so can purchase and serve alcohol 
  • there is no arrangement for anyone to benefit financially by buying or selling alcohol 
  • the club is established and conducted in good faith 
  • the club has at least 25 members 

How to apply 

You must submit: 

We may inspect your premises as part of the application. 


Please see the table of fees


Apply now

Payment will be taken over the phone after receiving your form.

After applying 

Your application will go through a 28-day consultation process. 

During that time you must: 

  • advertise your application 
  • notify responsible authorities (only if application form is posted to us) 

Advertising your application 

Applications for a premises licence must be advertised by putting: 

  • a notice on the premises 
  • an announcement in a local newspaper 

Please see guidance and template to advertise your application

Notifying responsible authorities 

If you post your form to us, you must send copies of your application to the relevant responsible authorities.  

Receiving your club premises certificate 

At the end of the 28-day consultation period, you will be granted the certificate if: 

  • there are no outstanding objections 
  • all procedural requirements are met 

If you haven’t heard from us after the 28-day consultation period, tacit consent applies. This means you can act as if the certificate has been granted. 

Objections to the certificate 

We’ll let you know if we receive any objections to your application. 

Applications with outstanding objections are taken to the next available Licensing Sub Committee. 

The Licensing Sub Committee will consider the objections and make a decision within 20 working days from the end of the consultation period. 

You can appeal licensing decisions

Duration of the certificate 

Once approved, your certificate is valid for the life of the club, unless stated otherwise. 

Annual fee 

You need to pay a fee for your club premises certificate each year on the anniversary of the day you were granted the certificate. 

Please see the table of fees

We will send you an invoice each year to pay this. 

Licence changes

If you need to make changes to the licence, please see our changes page.

Contact the licensing team

Please note this phone number and email address are NOT for house in multiple occupation (HMO) licensing queries.

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