Stage 1 Consultation: Funding Early Years Education in Haringey

This consultation closed on the 18 December 2016 - any responses submitted after this date will not be considered. Thank you to all those who responded.

What we consulted on? (Stage 1)

We wanted to gather your views about our proposals for developing a sustainable Early Education and Childcare offer in Haringey from April 2017 in response to the government proposing  changes to the way early years education for all 3 and 4 year old children is funded from April 2017. With the introduction of a national funding formula for early years, a national funding formula will decide how much early years funding is given to each local authority area.

This early years funding is part of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) currently paid to local authorities to support the delivery of education in the borough. Government proposals will mean changes to the way providers of early years education will get paid for each child and how each local authority is able to support the cost of ensuring that enough high quality early education and childcare is available in their area. In addition to this, we may have less money available to support our current childcare delivery. This might mean changes to how some childcare, supported by the local authority, is offered.

View the consultation documents:

View responses from the Stage 1 Consultation:

What happens next?

The Stage 2 Consultation ran between 9 January and 20 January, where providers were requested to provide their views on the updated DfE funding. 

Your feedback and the results of both the stage 1 and stage 2 consultations will be submitted to the Cabinet. The Cabinet will make a final decision on how to move forward with the new government changes. We will publish the final decision in March 2017.

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Page last updated:

June 17, 2022