How decisions are scrutinised

Part of: How decisions are made and scrutinised

Scrutiny (sometimes called overview and scrutiny) helps to make sure local services are delivered:

  • effectively
  • efficiently
  • in the best interests of residents

The main role of scrutiny is to hold people who make decisions to account and to help improve local services by:

  • reviewing and challenging decisions taken by us and our partners (for example the NHS or the police)
  • investigating services or policy areas which are of interest or concern to people in Haringey
  • recommending improvements to services we and partner organisations provide

More on how scrutiny works in Haringey is in:

How to get involved

There are 3 ways to get involved. Contact us for more information.

Suggest a topic for review

Residents and community groups can suggest topics for possible scrutiny review. Find out how to suggest a topic for review.

Be a witness

A range of people may be asked to give evidence to support scrutiny reviews. The ways in which evidence is collected will vary, but may include:

  • online surveys
  • focus groups
  • public meetings

Details of any scrutiny projects will be added to this page when available. 

Ask a question at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee or a panel

You can ask a question about a subject being scrutinised. You can also submit a question in writing to be asked of executive councillors and chief officers called before the Overview and Scrutiny Committee or panels.

Submit your questions in writing at least 5 clear working days in advance of the meeting. Email or post your question to us, or to the appropriate committee or panel support officer.

Find out more about the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Contact the overview and scrutiny team

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