Schools and learning

Schools, Haringey Music Service, services for schools, financial support for education, home education, Pendarren Outdoor Education Centre, licences for children working, and travel support.

Services list


Term dates, admissions, free school meals, schools and colleges in Haringey, suspensions and exclusions, children missing school, fixed penalty notices, school records and school planning reports.

Join an after-school music group, book instrumental or singing lessons, hire or buy an instrument, whole-class instrumental teaching for schools, performances, and about Haringey Music Service.

Services for schools

School HR, school finance, school property and maintenance, keeping school records and protecting against cyberattacks.

Home education

What home education is, your responsibilities, our responsibilities and how we can help, how to begin home education and what to do if you move home or your child wants to return to school.

 Visit the Pendarren website and book the centre for a residential course. Can be booked by schools and organisations inside and outside Haringey.

Visit the Transport for London website for information on free and discounted travel for children and young people.

Teaching in Haringey

Find a teaching job and the salary and benefits of being a teacher in Haringey.

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