Housing Strategy Consultation 2014 - first stage

The first stage consultation on the Housing Strategy ran from 23 October 2014 until 12 December 2014.

Our survey was available to complete online and in paper format and we received 330 responses to our survey (272 online and 58 paper completions).

The feedback and outcomes from the survey are contained in the Cabinet paper First stage - Consultation on Haringey’s draft Housing Strategy 2015-2020 (PDF, 4MB).

  • We would like to thank everyone who responded for the time and effort you spent thinking about our consultation questions and giving us your views

Feedback from first stage consultation was integrated into the development of a second draft strategy.

If you have any queries or would like to know more, please email us on housing.strategy@haringey.gov.uk

Page last updated:

June 17, 2022