Community safety

Reporting and preventing crime, hate crime strategy, tackling radicalisation with Prevent, our community safety strategy, Love Finsbury Park.

Hate crime

What hate crimes and hate incidents are, report hate crime, get more help.

Haringey Prevent

Support for people at risk of radicalisation, how to refer someone, support for residents, training and resources.

Our community safety work

Community safety strategy, Safer Haringey Partnership, community safety partnership, crime and disorder information sharing protocol.

Love Finsbury Park

Making Finsbury Park and the surrounding area a safer and more welcoming space for everyone.

Domestic violence, our violence against women and girls (VAWG) strategy, get help and advice, information for professionals, training and events.

Serious Violence Duty

Find out about our work to tackle Serious Violence in the borough, including our Serious Violence Strategic Needs Assessment and Strategy.

I'm Out

Three short films about knife crime.

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