Ducketts Common

Opposite Turnpike Lane underground station on Green Lanes, the park has lots of facilities and a wildflower meadow.

Facilities and things to see


Ducketts Common has:

  • a basketball court
  • a café  
  • a multi-use games area  
  • an outdoor gym  
  • a picnic area in the play area  
  • a playground 
  • table tennis table

Wildflower meadow

The wildflower meadows on Ducketts Common contain more than 30 native wildflowers.

The meadows were planted by volunteers from members of Christ Church London and local residents. It took 10,000 volunteer hours to complete. 

The meadows attract many insects such as bumble bees and butterflies. 

Get involved

The park volunteer group, Friends of Ducketts Common, is a group of local residents and park users. They meet regularly with the aim of improving the common. 

To contact the group, see our list of Friends of Parks groups.

Park management 

To find out how the park is managed see our park management reports page.

Green Flag Award 

Ducketts Common won the Green Flag Award in 2014 and has kept it ever since. 

To ask for a copy of the Green Flag report see our parks report page.


The name ‘Ducketts’ comes from Laurence Duket, a goldsmith who owned 160 acres of farmland. In the 13th-century, the farmland was originally part of Tottenham manor. 

Report a problem

Report a park issue on our report a problem page.



Green Lanes/Turnpike Lane
N15 3DX
United Kingdom

Opening times

Open 24 hours a day.


All parks in Haringey are accessible to wheelchair users. 

See more accessibility information on AccessAble.

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