Premises licence

When you need a premises licence, how to apply and fees.

When you need a premises licence and how to apply

You need a premises licence to: 

  • sell or supply alcohol 
  • provide regulated entertainment 
  • provide late night refreshment 

The sale or supply of alcohol 

You will need a licence to: 

  • sell alcohol by retail 
  • supply alcohol to members of a club 

You need a licence whether or not your customers consume the alcohol on or off the premises. 

Regulated entertainment 

Regulated entertainment is one of the following: 

  • a performance of a play 
  • an exhibition of a film 
  • an indoor sporting event 
  • a boxing or wrestling entertainment (indoors or outdoors) 
  • a performance of live music 
  • a performance of dance 
  • any playing of recorded music 

If you aren’t sure if you need a premises licence for entertainment, please check the entertainment licensing guidance

Late night refreshment 

Late night refreshment is hot food and drink supplied to members of the public:

  • between 11pm and 5am 
  • consumed on or off the premises


Responsibilities of a premises licence holder  

Before applying for a premises licence, it’s important to understand your responsibilities as a licence holder. 

You’ll be expected to uphold 4 equally important licensing objectives: 

  • the prevention of crime and disorder 
  • public safety 
  • the prevention of public nuisance 
  • the protection of children from harm 

Find out more about being a responsible licensee


You must be: 

  • 18 or over 
  • have the right to work in the UK 


The fee depends on your rateable value. Check the rateable value of your premises if you’re unsure.

Please see our table of fees.

What you need to provide 

Your application must include: 

Online application form  

You must include your supporting documents with your online application. 

We accept the following file types: 

  • doc, docx, jpeg, jpg, jpe, pdf, png, tiff, tif 

You can pay by credit/debit card or PayPal. 

Keep a note of your application reference as you may need it for other licences you apply for. 

Before applying, we recommend reading the premises licence guidance – GOV.UK

Apply online now

Paper application form  

If you prefer, you can download and complete the premises licence application form

We will contact you to take payment over the phone.  

After applying 

Your application will go through a 28-day consultation process. 

During that time you must: 

  • advertise your application 
  • notify responsible authorities (only if application form is posted) 

Advertising your application 

Applications for a premises licence must be advertised by putting: 

  • a notice on the premises 
  • an announcement in a local newspaper 

Please see guidance and template to advertise your application

Notifying responsible authorities 

If you post your application form to us, you must send copies of your application to the relevant responsible authorities

Processing your application 

At the end of the 28-day consultation period, you will be given the licence if: 

  • there are no outstanding objections 
  • all requirements are met 

If you haven’t heard from us after the 28-day consultation period, tacit consent applies. This means you can act as if the premises licence has been granted. 

If objections are made to your application 

We’ll let you know if we receive any objections to your application. 

Applications with outstanding objections are taken to the next available Licensing Sub Committee. 

The Licensing Sub Committee will consider the objections and make a decision within 20 working days from the end of the consultation period. 

You can appeal licensing decisions

Duration of a premises licence 

Once approved, your premises licence is valid for the life of the premises, unless stated otherwise. 

Annual fee 

You need to pay a fee for your premises licence each year. This should be paid on the anniversary of being granted the licence. 

We may send you an invoice each year to pay this. 

Please see the table of fees.

Premises that are currently being built or altered 

You can apply for a provisional statement while your premises are: 

  • being built 
  • extended 
  • about to be extended or altered 



Application form

Please complete the provisional statement application form - GOV.UK.

Contact the licensing team

Please note this phone number and email address are NOT for house in multiple occupation (HMO) licensing queries.

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