Wood Green Area Action Plan

What is the Wood Green Area Action Plan?

The Wood Green Area Action Plan (AAP) will establish the statutory basis for determining planning applications in Haringey. When adopted it will form part of the Haringey Local Plan. Wood Green is identified as a Growth Area in Haringey’s Local Plan, with the AAP identifying a narrative to deliver new jobs and homes, improvements to the town centre offer, its environment, local connections and social infrastructure.

1 February to 16 March 2018 - Public Consultation

Ambitious plans for the transformation of Wood Green are going to a fresh round of public consultation, and we want to hear your views. We are consulting with the community on an updated draft of our planning document for Wood Green, the Wood Green AAP, between 1 February 2018 and 16 March 2018.

This will be the third time we have consulted with the community on this planning document, which paves the way for the creation of 6,400 new homes, 4,000 new jobs and a thriving, prosperous, green town centre, full of life and opportunity for our residents. View our dedicated consultation page to download the document and find out full information on how you can have your say.

You can information on previous AAP consultations and the comments received in the sections below.

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Previous Consultation - Spring 2017

Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation on our proposals for the future of Wood Green – the Wood Green Area Action Plan (AAP). You can view the council's response to the consultation here:

There was a great response to the consultation, which saw us hold 11 exhibitions, 10 workshops, and 16 stakeholder meetings. We’ve had hundreds of conversations about our ambitions for Wood Green, and thousands of people have visited our web pages.

We’re considering all of your feedback and will publish a follow-up report with our final plans later this year, which will be open for further consultation and examined independently. If approved, we expect the AAP to be adopted as policy from 2018.

The proposals in the AAP are based on a ‘preferred option’ drawn up following a 2016 consultation that saw residents make it clear they want to see big changes in Wood Green.

The 15-year plan includes creating 4,000 jobs, 7,700 homes and a bigger Metropolitan Town Centre with more retail, leisure and office space. We want to build on Wood Green’s fantastic strengths – including its good transport links and diverse array of culture, shops and businesses – to make the area once again a thriving, successful, north London destination that residents can be proud of.

We’re committed to supporting all residents who could potentially be affected by regeneration. If planning permission is granted, we’ll be working closely with the registered housing providers for Sky City and Page High to ensure that tenants are fully supported throughout the process and that their re-housing options are clear.

We will also continue to engage with and support any other affected residents and affected businesses through this transition period. We have received a lot of positive comments about the Wood Green Market in the Mall and we intend to carry out specific engagement with market traders.

In response to concerns raised during the consultation, we’re happy to clarify that we have no proposals to put a road through Wood Green Common. The proposal is to improve cycle and pedestrian links across the area, a new non vehicular path would link the High Road to Lymington Avenue and Moselle Avenue and there would be better cycle and pedestrian connections to existing roads such as Wightman Road.

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Previous Consultation (Preferred Option 2017)

In spring 2017 the council consulted on the Wood Green AAP Preferred Option. The consultation closed on 28 April 2017

The Preferred Option consultation represented stakeholder’s key opportunity to have their say on the content included within the Area Action Plan. The AAP identifies the key issues, challenges and opportunities facing the area and sets out the council’s preferred outcome for how these challenges might be addressed and opportunities realised. The Area Action Plan will ultimately guide development and investment decisions in the area and will be used in dealing with planning applications.

The purpose of the consultation on the Preferred Option document was to invite public and stakeholder views and comments on the preferred option, to enable consultees to offer up further information of relevance to the development of the Plan, and to indicate what changes they consider the council should progress with to the next stage – Publication of the Plan prior to Submission to the Secretary of State for Examination in Public (anticipated in summer 2018).

The preferred option Wood Green Area Action Plan can be downloaded above and was also available at our planning offices, the Civic Centre, libraries and our drop-in sessions which took place in March.

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Supporting Information/ Evidence Base

Previous Consultation (Issues and Options 2016)

Consultation on the Wood Green AAP Issues & Options document ran from 8 February to 20 March 2016.

The Issues and Options stage represents the very first stage in the Area Action Plan’s production. It identifies the key issues, challenges and opportunities facing the area and sets out four different options, including an option favoured by the council, for how these challenges might be addressed and opportunities realised. The Area Action Plan will ultimately guide development and investment decisions in the area and will be used in dealing with planning applications.

The purpose of the consultation on the Issues and Options document was to invite public and stakeholder views and comments on the four options being proposed, to enable consultees to offer up further information of relevance to the development of the Plan, and to indicate which option they consider the council should progress with to the next stage - a more detailed Preferred Option.

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Page last updated:

June 13, 2024