In a conservation area, local authorities must take into account the need to preserve or enhance the area’s special character when deciding whether to grant planning permission.
Applications are considered against conservation policies and can be refused on conservation grounds alone. Proposals that would alter the character of buildings which make a positive contribution to the character of the area are unlikely to be permitted, as are proposals that would damage the character of the area as a whole.
Restricted development rights
In conservation areas, in addition to the usual requirements for planning permission, some permitted development rights are restricted. This means that planning permission is needed for some changes that would usually be considered 'permitted development'. Some conservation areas are protected by Article 4 Directions, which further restrict permitted development rights. More information, including which works need planning permission, can be found at The Planning Portal.
Conservation policies
Haringey’s conservation policies are part of the Haringey Local Plan. SP12 of the Local Plan strategic policies sets out the council’s intention to ‘ensure the conservation of the historic significance of Haringey’s heritage assets, their setting, and the wider historic environment’. Haringey’s emerging Development Management DPD has further detailed policies on design and conservation.
Conservation area appraisals
In addition to the above policies there is specific guidance relating to some of the conservation areas in the form of Conservation Area Appraisals (which describe the special character of the area) and Management Plans (which set out design guidelines and council strategies to preserve or enhance the special character). These can be found on the list of conservation areas.