School Expansions

Consultation on the expansions of Belmont Infant and Belmont Junior Schools, Lancasterian and Welbourne Primary Schools

Schools Adjudicator's Decision

In July 2012, the council’s Cabinet agreed the expansion of Belmont Infant and Junior Schools from two to three forms of entry, to take effect with the reception intake into the Infant School in September 2013. Both schools were identified to take an additional class of pupils in each year group because they are very popular and demand regularly exceeds capacity within the schools. Both schools are rated 'Outstanding' by Ofsted and the council knows that they have strong leadership and management, which would have enabled them to carry any expansion forward positively. The additional classes were identified as essential to ensuring every reception aged local child could continue be offered a school place in the coming years.

In August 2012, the governing body of the Infant School appealed to the Office of the School’s Adjudicator against the council’s decision to expand the schools. The Adjudicator has determined that neither of the schools should be expanded. As a result of this decision, the planned admission number for Belmont Infant School will remain at 56 pupils, and the planned admission number for Belmont Junior School will remain at 60 pupils.

The council will now seek to find alternative ways to ensure that every eligible child in Haringey continues to be offered a Reception place in 2013 and beyond.

Schools Adjudicator Public Meeting - Belmont Infant School and Belmont Junior School, 24 September 2012

An appeal has been lodged with the Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) against the Cabinet’s decision to permanently expand the schools. Schools adjudicators work independently from the Department for Education but are appointed by the Secretary of State for Education. They are appointed on their experience and ability to act impartially, independently and objectively.

When considering a case, adjudicators take into account supporting evidence presented by each party, and any general guidance issued by the Secretary of State.

A public meeting will be held on the 24 September 2012 at 7pm to enable all those who wish to do so to present their views directly to the Schools Adjudicator. The meeting will be held at Belmont Infant School, Rusper Road, N22 6RA. Full details of the meeting and how to have your say are outlined in the public notice (PDF, 15KB).

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Belmont Infant School and Belmont Junior School

On the 4 May we began a four week statutory period of consultation on the expansion of Belmont Infant School and Belmont Junior School from two to three forms of entry.

The consultation finished on Friday 1 June 2012.

Full details of the consultation can be found in the newsletter below:

Welbourne Primary School

On the 20 March 2012 the Council’s Cabinet agreed a  recommendation that the expansion of Welbourne Primary school from two to three forms of entry goes ahead with effect from September 2013. Close collaborative work will now begin with the school and its community on how the expansion will be delivered.

Lancasterian Primary School

Because of the ongoing uncertainty about the exact location of E-Act‘s free school which will provide 60 reception places in September 2012 we have decided to delay any possible expansion of Lancasterian Primary School to September 2014. This webpage will be updated with details of a proposed further round of consultation on this expansion which will begin in September 2012.

Complete proposals

Copies of the Complete Proposals and their appendices are available here:

Attached files

School Expansions FAQsPDF 12.9 KB
school expansions - cabinet report.pdfPDF 3.09 MB

Page last updated:

January 29, 2021