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Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)

Current Supplementary Planning Documents

The Local Plan alongside the London Plan are the key planning documents for Haringey. Much of the detail to support Local Plan policies is contained in accompanying documents called Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs).

Supplementary planning documents expand on the council's adopted policies to provide more detailed information than can be contained in the policies themselves. They give guidance to the public, applicants and developers when making planning applications.

For more information on Haringey's SPDs, please use the following links:

The council also issues Supplementary Planning Guidance notes where these can usefully aid developers undertaking work in certain parts of the borough where there may be specific planning issues to consider. These guidance notes may form the basis for future SPD's.

For development within conservation areas, the council has published Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans, which give further guidance on specific conservation areas, and should be referred to for relevant proposals.

View the borough's Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans

Withdrawn or Revoked SPDs and Guidance

The council has recently reviewed our planning guidance (Supplementary Planning Guidance and Supplementary Planning Documents), and in line with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and associated regulations, we have revoked and withdrawn some planning guidance. For details, please download the SPD/SPG Review list (PDF, 57KB).

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Planning Obligations SPD

The Planning Obligations SPD was adopted by Cabinet on 6 March 2018.

Planning Obligations (S106) SPD 2018

The aim of this document is to provide guidance on how planning obligations will operate in Haringey. Specifically it:

  1. Provides transparency and certainty in regard to the functioning of the planning application process and procedures for securing planning obligations;
  2. Sets out the types of planning obligations that may be sought with various development proposals;
  3. Details the relationship between planning obligations and CIL;
  4. Assists with the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with policies in Haringey’s Local Plan.

The adopted document, as well as a consultation report and adoption statement can be download below:

The Child Yield calculator referenced in the SPD can be found on the GLA Datastore (external link).

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Sustainable Design and Construction SPD

The way buildings are designed and constructed has a direct and indirect impact on the quality of our lives and health as well as on energy use, natural resources and our immediate and wider natural environment. The SPD was adopted on 18 March 2013. The SPD and the Appendix is available to download on the Sustainable Design and Construction SPD page.

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Haringey Heartlands Development Framework

Haringey Heartlands is located at the centre of the borough of Haringey. It adjoins Wood Green Town Centre and comprises tracts of underused utilities lands. It has the potential to be a ‘Heartland’ for the borough linking east and west. This framework provides guidance to help ensure that major planning applications meet strategic goals.

Table: Haringey Heartlands Development Framework documents

Haringey Heartlands Development FrameworkStatusFile Type and size
Haringey Heartlands Development Framework: IntroductionAdoptedPDF, 4MB
Haringey Heartlands Development Framework: ContextAdoptedPDF, 7MB
Haringey Heartlands Development Framework: VisionAdoptedPDF, 164KB
Haringey Heartlands Development Framework: PrinciplesAdoptedPDF, 7MB
Haringey Heartlands Development Framework: Delivery and AppendixAdoptedPDF, 2MB

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Waste storage guidance note

The purpose of this guidance note is to set out the standards of storage needed to accommodate waste and recycling facilities in new developments, including access and collections of bins.

Waste storage guidance document (PDF, 140KB)

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House Extensions in South Tottenham SPD

The revised version of the House Extensions in South Tottenham Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted on 15 October 2013. This SPD aims to promote good design for house extensions in the South Tottenham area; to ensure both adequate growing space and the architectural unity and overall character of the street.

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Finsbury Park Town Centre SPD

The Finsbury Park Town Centre Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted on 25 June 2014. The aim of the SPD is to improve the town centre, the station and the surrounding public spaces, create new homes, jobs and training opportunities, make the most of the historic buildings and improve links between the town centre and Finsbury Park. It supports the implementation of Haringey’s Local Plan Strategic Policies, policy CS2 of Islington Council’s Core Strategy and key strategic policies of Hackney Council’s Core Strategy.

The document applies to areas of Finsbury Park that lie within the boroughs of Islington, Haringey and Hackney, and includes the areas around Finsbury Park Station and the main high streets of Seven Sisters Road, Stroud Green Road, Blackstock Road and Fonthill Road.

The SPD was prepared in partnership with Islington and Hackney Councils. The final decision to adopt the SPD was made by each council’s Executive or Cabinet.

For further information on the SPD please visit the Islington Council website (external link). Or click here to view the Finsbury Park Town Centre Supplementary Planning Document - SPD (PDF, 6MB) - London Borough of Haringey/London Borough of Hackney/London Borough of Islington.

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Myddleton Road Local Shopping Centre - Policy Guidance Note

The purpose of this Policy Guidance Note is to set out the relevant planning policies and guidance on design standards in relation to Myddleton Road Local Shopping Centre and to provide further clarification on how the council will be applying these policies for future planning applications.

The consultation period for this document closed on 1 October 2012.

The downloadable document can be found on the Myddleton Road Local Shopping Centre - Policy Guidance page.

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Highgate School SPD

The Highgate School SPD was adopted by Cabinet on 9 March 2021.

The SPD was prepared by the council in conjunction with Highgate School to provide further guidance on adopted Local Plan Site Allocation 41 in relation to the enhancement or redevelopment of Highgate School’s estate. The SPD will help preserve the special character, heritage, and amenity of the local area.

Further details of the SPD are available on the Highgate School SPD page.

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Page last updated:

November 29, 2023