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Highgate School Supplementary Planning Document

The Local Plan Site Allocations Development Plan document identifies Highgate School as a Site Allocation (SA41) to explore how the School facilities can be enhanced whilst simultaneously benefiting local communities. To enable this, the Site Allocation committed the council to develop a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for which future development should accord to.

The Highgate School SPD was adopted on 9 March 2021. 

Highgate School SPD documents

The SPD was prepared by the council in conjunction with Highgate School to provide further guidance on the adopted Site Allocation in relation to the enhancement or redevelopment of Highgate School’s estate. The SPD will help preserve the special character, heritage, and amenity of the local area.

A consultation on the draft SPD was held for 8 weeks from 26 October 2020 to 21 December 2020. Following consultation on the SPD we reviewed comments submitted and made amendments to the SPD before adoption.

The SPD is part of Haringey’s planning policy framework and will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications for any future planning applications at Highgate School.

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Further information

If you have any questions on the SPD, please contact the Planning Policy team by telephone on 020 8489 5504 or by email at

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Page last updated:

June 6, 2022