Schools Superzones

The School Superzones Initiative is supported by the Mayor of London and is designed to:

  • protect children’s health
  • enable healthy behaviours in more deprived communities

We have set up several superzones with a 400-metre radius around our schools, to create healthier and safer places for children and young people to live, learn and play.

Within each superzone, we are looking to reduce:

  • unhealthy food and drink sales
  • advertising of harmful products
  • alcohol, smoking and gambling
  • poor air quality

Current campaign: young people vaping awareness

We are addressing vaping harms in young people and raising awareness within our superzones areas.

To do this we are:

  • conducting local research to understand the environmental, social and health impacts of vaping in young people
  • delivering vape prevention workshops within our schools
  • conducting underage test purchases with retailers
  • developing guidance for schools and raise awareness of vaping harms in young people

Unity Xtra radio podcast

We have co-produced a radio podcast show with young people and healthcare professionals on vaping and young people.

Click here to listen to the podcast on the Unity Xtra website

Vaping support for young people

Insight Platform:

Insight platform is a confidential support service offering free advice, information and support on drugs and alcohol for children, young people and their families.

Talk to Frank:

Parents, carers and anyone working with children can make sure young people understand the health facts about vaping and know the law. Find out more on the FRANK website.

Previous schools superzones campaigns 

We have been involved with the superzones project since 2018 and worked on a pilot phase together with 2 other funded projects.


Collaborative efforts across departments working to address health concerns including:

  • air quality
  • community safety
  • green spaces
  • unhealthy takeaway shops
  • advertising
  • supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people

Connected projects:

Schools Superzones round 1 project

Working with our regeneration and parks and green spaces teams to improve the quality and accessibility of Rangemoor Open Space. We co-designed the space through a number of engagement sessions with pupils of Earlsmead Primary School, residents of Pricilla Wakefield House and the local community.

The space has:

  • a new basket swing
  • benches and seating areas
  • upgraded surfaces with trip hazards removed
  • soft landscaping
  • new lighting
  • additional bins

Schools Superzones round 2 project

We delivered cycle training and maintenance classes to Northumberland Park schools to teach children and young people to cycle safely to school.

Page last updated:

July 24, 2024