Learning disabilities reference group

Part of: Adults with learning disabilities – working together

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Two people with protest signs
We have a Partnership Board to make sure that adults with disabilities have rights, inclusion, choice and independence.
Two hands shaking


The Partnership Board has reference groups for different groups of people. One of them is the Learning Disabilities Reference Group
3 people working on a chart
The Reference Group makes plans to develop new services or make services better by finding out what help people need.
Man holding a piece of paper saying "I want to say something"
The Reference Group makes sure adults with learning disabilities and their carers know about things that effect their lives and have a say in meetings.
A man and woman posting a letter

To find out more, you can write to:

Haringey Learning Disabilities Partnership
48 Station Road
Wood Green
N22 7TY

A hand dialling a telephone
You can also telephone 020 8489 1384
A computer with "email" on the screen
You can also email hldp@haringey.gov.uk


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