Adult social care

Care and assessments, living independently, safeguarding, support for carers, day care services, other support services.

Services list

Care and assessments

For adults who need care and support because of a long term illness or disability.

Paying for care

How to get a financial assessment, personal budgets, direct payments and information for self-funders.


Reporting abuse, recognising abuse, Haringey safeguarding adults board, safeguarding policies.

Living independently

Equipment and adaptations, reablement services, getting around, going into hospital, employing your own care, Connected Care.

Support for carers

Assessments, registering as a carer, support groups, respite, financial support, emergencies.

Day care services for adults

Centres in Haringey providing services for people with autism, learning disabilities, physical and sensory disabilities, and dementia.

Policy and practice

Care Act, social care strategy, partnership board, consultations, market position statement

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