The Care Act 2014 Introduction to the Care Act, what it means for you, assessments under the care act. Adult social care strategy 2024-2025 What is adult social care, our priorities. Adult Carers’ Strategy 2020-2023 Equalities review, key themes, our mission. Adult social care partnership board Reference groups, how to get involved, meeting dates, minutes of past meetings. Consultations Current consultations, closed consultations from the last 12 months. Haringey Over 50s Forum Have a say in how services for older people are run. Adult social services market position statement Our care principles, commissioning priorities, service needs, local context, procurement opportunities. Market sustainability and fair cost of care fund Cost of care reports, market sustainability plan. Safeguarding adults policy and procedures Policies and procedures relating to adult safeguarding.
The Care Act 2014 Introduction to the Care Act, what it means for you, assessments under the care act.
Adult social care partnership board Reference groups, how to get involved, meeting dates, minutes of past meetings.
Adult social services market position statement Our care principles, commissioning priorities, service needs, local context, procurement opportunities.