Safeguarding adults policy and procedures

Policies and procedures relating to adult safeguarding.

Persons in Positions of Trust (PIPOT)

A framework for managing cases where allegations have been made against a person in a position of trust (PIPOT).

Safeguarding Adults Multi-Agency Information Sharing Agreement

This agreement formalises the processes and principles for sharing information between each other, with other professionals and with any other relevant parties.

Haringey Multi-Agency Self-Neglect and Hoarding Procedure 2022-25

The purpose of this document is to set out the procedure and guidance for organisations which may come across a resident of Haringey who self-neglects or hoards. 

The safeguarding adults board has created an advice leaflet for anyone who knows someone who may be affected by self neglect.

The LFB has put together a number of real-life case studies relating to incidents where a faulty fire alarm or no fire alarm was in place and how this affected vulnerable people. See case studies below:

Joint Establishment Concerns Policy and Procedures 2022

The Joint Establishment Concerns Policy and Procedure has been developed as a means for managing large-scale investigations of Care Providers.

Haringey Adult Safeguarding Prevention Strategy 2022-25

Safeguarding Adults Review Procedure (SARs)

The Haringey Safeguarding Adults Review Procedure  sets out how to request and conduct Safeguarding Adults Reviews in Haringey under Section 44 of the Care Act 2014. See also the Safeguarding Adult Review Quality Markers .

For more information on SARs in Haringey, see the Safeguarding Adult Reviews in Haringey page.

Haringey ICB Pressure Ulcer Protocol and Pathway

This protocol provides a framework for health and care organisations to draw on when developing guidance for staff in all sectors and agencies that may see a pressure ulcer. 

Managing Provider Failure and Other Service Interruptions Procedure 2022

This procedure explains Haringey Council’s approach to ensuring that adults and carers are not left without the care or support needed if their care provider becomes unable to carry on providing it because of business failure.

Haringey Inter-Agency SAB Escalation Protocol 2022

This protocol aims to support the positive resolution of professional differences between agencies working to safeguard vulnerable adults in Haringey.

Haringey's Multi-Agency Section 42 Enquiry Framework and Guidance

The guidance is for use by staff that manage or undertake a Statutory Safeguarding Adult Enquiry under Section 42 of the Care Act 2014.

HSAB Mental Capacity Act and DoLs Staff Procedures and Guidance

This guidance is relevant to professionals who are with adults who may lack the capacity to make particular decisions and is in a situation where the possibility that there may be deprivation of liberty arises.

Latest developments on Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS)

On 5 April 2023, the UK Government announced that the introduction of the LPS would be delayed “beyond the life of this Parliament.”

Haringey Multi-Agency Solutions Panel (MASP) 2023

The aim of the MASP is to ensure that professionals working with people experiencing complex needs can access and offer creative problem-solving and advice.

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