Leisure, parks and culture

Parks and their facilities, sport and physical activity, library information and things to do in Haringey.

Services list

Parks and greenspaces

Parks, greenspaces and their facilities, allotments, sponsor a park or bench, volunteer in a park, park events, report a park problem, comment on a park project and park management.

Leisure centres

There are 4 leisure centres in Haringey offering a wide range of activities and facilities and competitive prices. 


Black History Haringey 365, Haringey Feast, LGBTQ+ 365, culture in Tottenham High Road, Women's History, Holocaust Memorial Day.

Haringey Libraries

Haringey library service - including how to join, locations and opening hours, our catalogue and digital library offer, children's and home library services.

Sport and physical activity

A to Z of sport and activities in Haringey, our leisure centres, activities for all ages and abilities and sport strategy.

What's on in Haringey

Events and activities taking place in Haringey. Search by date, cost and category - including arts, music, walks, community events, history, children and families.

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