Occupational therapy for adults with learning disabilities

What occupational therapy does, who to contact.

What we do

We help people with learning disabilities to be more independent. We can help you make the most of what you can do already.

If you need equipment and adaptations for your home, go to the Equipment and Adaptations page.

How we can help

Picture Words
A man giving a thumbs-up and holding a clipboard with a big green tick on it
We will help you think about what is important to you
A man scratching his head
We will help you think about what is difficult
A woman thinking
We will help you think about how you can do things differently
A person using a vacuum cleaner
Occupational therapists help you to do things for yourself at home.
A shopping receipt and a handful of change
We can help you learn new skills
Hands cutting vegetables on a chopping board
We can help you to Cook
Two men at a computer
We can advise you about volunteering
A woman standing in front of a microphone
We can help you to find activities you like to do
Three people talking
We advise, train and support carers.
A detached house
We can see you at your home, day centre or college
A man and woman posting a letter

For more information write to:

Haringey Learning Disabilities Partnership
Occupational Therapy
48 Station Road
Wood Green
N22 7T

A hand dialling a telephone
Tel: 020 8489 1384
A computer with "email" on the screen

For occupational therapy services for people with a learning disability email: HLDP@haringey.gov.uk

For equipment and adaptations, email FirstResponseTeam@haringey.gov.uk.


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