Psychology for adults with learning disabilities

How we can help if you're feeling sad, angry, worried or upset.

Pictures Words
A person who is upset

We are trained to help people who are feeling sad, angry, worried or upset.

A group of people talking

You may need some help if you are going through a difficult time or if there have been some changes in your life.

A drawing of a thumbs-up and a thumbs-down

We will listen to you and try to understand your difficulties.

A family on a sofa

We can give you help you to think about changes that you want to make.

2 people talking
Sometimes we meet people on their own to talk.

Sometimes we meet in a group or talk to people you may know.

We will make a plan together about how to support you.
A woman greeting another woman at their front door
We may ask you to meet us. We will tell you where to come or we may meet you at home
A man and woman posting a letter

For more information on this, you can write to:

Haringey Learning Disabilities Partnership
48 Station Road
Wood Green
N22 7TY

A hand dialling a telephone
You can also telephone 020 8489 1384
A computer with "email" on the screen
You can also email

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