The Ermine Community Hub supports the social inclusion of adults with learning disabilities and mild to moderate disabilities
The Hub provides a sociable environment in which service users can meet other service users and join in different activities.
The Hub aims to improve the quality of life outcomes of people using the service by building on the existing skills of the individuals and enable the development of social, educative and independent living skills.
- Art and craft – painting, sketch, crafts
- Music - Dancing, zumba, drumming, singing, choir and karaoke
- Sensory therapies – frequency, massage, make-up, pampering, hair dressing
- Life skills - kitchen and food prep safety, cooking, baking
- Gardening - potting, planting, tending, and growing food for our kitchen.
- Exercise - seated exercise, dance group, swimming, rebound therapy
- Local community outings - lunch, cinema, bowling and other activities
- Drop in sessions – drumming, yoga, Art, Chair yoga and Matp.
- DSO on line sessions for clients that are unable to attend the service.
- Physiotherapy
- Intensive interaction, communication champions.
The activities promote a well-rounded approach to the service user’s wellbeing and is reflective of their individual care and support plans.
All sessions at Ermine Community Hub are supported by internal staff and a program coordinator.
Staff support with all aspects of care, from supporting with mobility, personal care, eating and drinking joining session and supporting on transport to and from the centre.
Ermine Community Hub
2 Ermine Road
N15 6DB
United Kingdom