Ageing well

Haringey ageing well guide

The guide contains information on the following:

  • Staying steady and falls
  • Keeping active
  • Managing pain
  • Eating and drinking well
  • Skin care
  • Needing the toilet
  • Feeling low
  • Memory and confusion
  • Home life

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Ageing well in Haringey guide cover

Keeping as fit, well and independent as possible

Working together with residents and their representative groups, the NHS and Haringey Council are committed to supporting people to live and age well. We know how important it is to lead as healthy, fulfilling and independent a life as possible as you get older. Just a few simple changes can help reduce your risk of becoming frailer and improve your quality of life.

We have developed an Ageing Well Guide to support people who are over 50 and for those who know or care for someone who is. The guide talks about:

  • things you may face as you get older, and the opportunities for you
  • tips and hints on looking after yourself
  • useful contacts and organisations who can help

The guide is designed for those who may be fit and well and want to know what you can do to look after yourself, or for those who may have had a crisis like a fall or a visit to a hospital.

Key messages from the Ageing Well guide

Sometimes as a person ages, their body struggles to maintain its natural fitness. Long-term health conditions can cause similar issues when you are younger.

Don’t worry - it is never too late to improve. It may just take a little more effort to keep fit.

If you want to feel better, remind yourself:

  • Everybody’s starting point and what you want to do is different. Don’t try to do too much too quickly - set small goals daily or weekly to keep you going if you need to
  • There are a lot of things you can do. What helps is different for everyone but the first step is often with you
  • Small things matter. Simple changes you can make – things at home (e.g. removing trailing wires), going for a walk or making a call to someone – add up to a big difference quickly;
  • Asking for help shows strength. Talk to someone. Don’t be afraid to ask questions – it’s your life.
  • If you’ve had a crisis, such as a fall, your health gets worse suddenly or the death of a loved one, things will often get better over time - and you can cope and recover.
  • Many of us care for someone who’s older. It’s important to look after yourself as a carer, too. Many of the tips and hints in this Guide may be useful for you, too – and help is available for you as a carer.

Download the guide

Download the full Ageing well in Haringey guide for more advice, support and useful links.

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