Housing Benefit weekly deduction rates and income bands

Part of: How we work out your Housing Benefit

Non-dependant deduction rates in Housing Benefit from April

Weekly deductions and income bands
Non-dependant deductions in Housing Benefit April 2024
Non-dependant is 25 or over and gets Income Support, income-based Jobseeker's Allowance or income related Employment and Support Allowance £19.30
Non-dependant is 25 or over and is entitled to Universal Credit £19.30
Non-dependant is 18 or over and is not working or works less than 16 hours a week £19.30
Non-dependant is 18-24 and gets main phase income-related Employment and Support Allowance £19.30
Non-dependant is 18-24 and does not get main phase income-related Employment and Support Allowance Nil
Non-dependant is 18-24 and is entitled to Universal Credit and is not working Nil
Non-dependant gets Pension Credit Nil


Non-dependant is 18 or over and works at least 16 hours a week or is entitled to Universal Credit and is working
Non-dependant deductions in Housing Benefit April 2024
gross weekly income not less than £554 £124.55
gross weekly income of £445 to £553.99 £113.50
gross weekly income of £334 to £444.99 £99.65
gross weekly income of £256 to £333.99 £60.95
gross weekly income of £176 to £255.99 £44.40
gross weekly income no more than £175.99 £19.30


Non-dependant deduction rates in Council Tax Reduction from April

Weekly deductions and income bands
Non-dependant deductions in Council Tax Reduction April 2024
Non-dependant gets Pension Credit, Income Support, income-based Jobseeker's Allowance or income-related Employment and Support Allowance Nil
Non-dependant is entitled to Universal Credit and is not working (pensioner Council Tax Reduction) Nil
Non-dependant is entitled to Universal Credit and is not working (non-pensioner Council Tax Reduction) £4.90
Non-dependant is 18 or over and is not working or works less than 16 hours a week £4.90


Non-dependant is 18 or over and works at least 16 hours a week or is entitled to Universal Credit and is working
Non-dependant deductions in Council Tax Reduction April 2024
gross weekly income greater than £554 £15.10
gross weekly income of £445 to £553.99 £12.60
gross weekly income of £256 to £444.99 £10.05
gross weekly income no more than £255.99 £4.90