If you want make a change to a registration, start by filling in an application form on GOV.UK:
We can only make changes to events that were originally registered in the Haringey area.
North Middlesex and Whittington Hospitals
To change the record of a birth that happened in either North Middlesex Hospital or Whittington Hospital, please contact:
Please contact us to arrange a time to visit Haringey Register Office. You will need to bring:
- your completed application form
- your original registration documents
What happens next
We will look at your registration documents, and certify that they are originals. We will then hand the documents back to you.
We will then process your application. Depending on what the change involves, we will either make the change ourselves or refer your application to the General Registration Office (GRO).
There are 2 different fees:
- the standard fee, if we make the change ourselves, is £75
- if the application needs to be referred to the GRO, the fee is £90
Once we have received your form and documents, you can pay the fee using our online payment system.
Pay now