We have partnered with Idox Software Limited to deliver a new funding portal to the Haringey community.
The portal has 2 aspects:
- Open 4 Business
- Open 4 Community
Haringey businesses, as well as community and charity organisations and entrepreneurs can now search online for funding opportunities in one, easy-to-use entry.
The portal provides access to funding information that is:
- local
- regional
- national
- European
The portal is designed for easy access, to support the needs of organisations as well as businesses who are interested in specific funds and grants.
Idox has a large in-house research team with decades of funding experience, dedicated to searching for new funding opportunities all day and every day. The content is updated in real time.
Business portal
These funds can help prospective and existing businesses who wish to expand or take on other initiatives.
To take a look at the funding currently available, visit:
Visit the Open 4 Business funding portal
The portal also has a community dimension.
It provides specific funding information for community and charitable organisations as well as social enterprises.
Visit the Open 4 Community funding portal
Contact us if you need any help from our business support team.