Gambling Act temporary use notice

When you need a temporary use notice (TUN), eligibility and how to apply. 

When you need a temporary use notice (TUN)

A TUN allows a gambling operator to provide gambling facilities in a venue that doesn’t have a premises licence. 

Suitable venues include hotels, conference centres and sporting venues. 


A TUN is only granted to a person or company holding a relevant operating licence issued by the Gambling Commission. An example is the holder of a betting operating licence applying to provide betting facilities at a snooker tournament. 

A venue can have several TUNs, but the total cannot be more than 21 days in a 12-month period. 


If you wish to apply for TUN, please contact us. 

Contact the licensing team

Please note this phone number and email address are NOT for house in multiple occupation (HMO) licensing queries.

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