Food Hygiene Rating Scheme
To help customers choose where to eat out or shop for food in Haringey, we are running the national Food Hygiene Rating Scheme.
The scheme provides customers with information about the hygiene standards in:
- restaurants
- pubs
- cafés
- takeaways
- hotels
- supermarkets
- other food shops and places where you eat
The scheme recognises those businesses with the highest standards and encourages others to improve. The overall aim is to reduce the number of cases of food poisoning which currently affects about one million people in the UK every year.
Rating system
Businesses get a rating from 5 to 0 which is displayed at their premises and online so customers can make more informed choices about where to buy and eat food.
- 5 – hygiene standards are very good
- 4 – hygiene standards are good
- 3 – hygiene standards are generally satisfactory
- 2 – some improvement is necessary
- 1 – major improvement is necessary
- 0 – urgent improvement is required

You can also search for food hygiene ratings.