Gambling permits

Notification of up to 2 gaming machines, notification of more than 2 gaming machines, codes of practice.

Licensed premises gaming machine permit

Notification of up to 2 gaming machines 

Under the Licensing Act 2003, the holder of a premises licence is entitled to provide up to 2 machines from category C or D for use on the premises.  

The premises licence holder must notify us. 


The notification fee is £50.  

No annual fee is payable. 


Please complete the gaming machine notification permit application

Notification of more than 2 gaming machines 

If a premises licence holder wants to make more than 2 machines available, a licensed premises gaming machine permit is needed. 


The application fee is £150. 

There is an annual fee of £50. You will be invoiced each year to pay this.


Please complete the gaming machine notification permit application

Codes of practice 

Permit holders must comply with the Gambling Commission gaming machine permits codes of practice.  

Please see further advice on gaming in premises with an alcohol licence from the Gambling Commission

Contact the licensing team

Please note this phone number and email address are NOT for house in multiple occupation (HMO) licensing queries.

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