Gambling premises licence

Eligibility, apply, provisional statement, betting premises.

When you need a gambling premises licence and how to apply

Individuals and companies can offer gambling on a specific premises. To do so a premises licence, issued under the Gambling Act 2005, is needed. 

There are five types of licence: 

  • adult gaming centre 
  • betting premises 
  • betting track premises 
  • family entertainment centre 
  • bingo premises 


Applications can be made by a person or organisation who: 


Please see our list of fees and contact us for an application form if you wish to apply: 

  • for a new licence 
  • to transfer a licence if you are the new owner of a premises 
  • to vary the conditions or activities on your licence 

Make payment

You can pay application fees at GOV.UK using the following link.

Make a fee payment in connection with a permit or licence application

Provisional statement 

You can apply for a provisional statement if: 

  • your premises is being built 
  • your premises is being altered 
  • you expect to take over a premises 

You do not need to have an operating licence.  

Please see our list of fees and contact us for an application form. 

Betting premises 

For a list of betting premises in Haringey, see the betting shop premises list

Contact the licensing team

Please note this phone number and email address are NOT for house in multiple occupation (HMO) licensing queries.

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