Street trading fees and charges

Part of: Street trading licences

Application fees for licences

Traditional stalls, Tottenham Hotspur matchday trading and displays outside shop premises

Type Fee
Application/renewal for 3 years £153
Application/renewal for 2 years or less £103
Application for a temporary licence for 6 months or less £62
Application for a temporary licence for 6 months or less on private land £290
Type Fee

Street festivals/approved events

Temporary licence for 1 day £31

Tables and chairs outside catering establishments

Type Fee
Application/renewal for 1 year £81
Temporary licence for 6 months or less £51

Variations to licences

Type Fee
Application for variation made at the time of renewal No charge
Application for variation made during the term of the Licence £101

Weekly charges

Type Fee

Weekly charges payable in addition to the above fees

Tottenham Hotspur matchday stalls selling refreshments £61
Tottenham Hotspur matchday non-food stalls £24
Small stalls trading 6 days or more £42
Temporary small stalls trading 2 fixed days £31
Refreshments and all other large stalls £79
Approved extensions to large stalls (per square metre) £19
Displays of goods outside shops (per square metre) £19
Tables and chairs outside catering establishments (per square metre) £17
Temporary licence for 6 months or less on private land £31
Temporary stall at a street festival No charge
Type Fee
Removal by the council of goods, stalls, tables and/or chairs left in the street outside trading hours £267
Daily storage of same by the council £184
Removal and disposal of refuse by the council in default of licence holder Actual costs incurred + 30% establishment charge
Type Fee

Seized vehicles

Release fee for the removal and 1-day storage of a vehicle seized in lieu of legal proceedings £288
Additional daily charge (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) £164

Markets in Haringey (pop-ups)

Type Fee
1 trading day £30
3 trading days £48
Yearly (12 months) trading at a market - 1 day per month and at the same market. Non transferable or refundable £150


Type Fee
Refusal to renew licence Whole fee
Refusal to grant licence 50%

How charges are calculated

Charges and fees are limited by the London Local Authorities Act Part III Section 32.

They are calculated to cover our estimated costs.

Contact the licensing team

Please note this phone number and email address are NOT for house in multiple occupation (HMO) licensing queries.

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