Trading Standards for consumers

Get advice, report an issue and what happens if you complain about a Haringey business.

Get advice or report an issue

Our team does not give advice to consumers.

If you have a problem with goods or services, you can contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service (CACS). Through CACS you can report an issue to Trading Standards or get advice on topics including:

  • energy
  • scams
  • doorstep sellers (also known as rogue traders or cold callers)
  • purchases – if something has gone wrong or you changed your mind
  • insurance
  • water
  • phone, internet or TV
  • post
  • event tickets 

If you do not find the information you are looking for, you can contact the Citizens Advice consumer helpline.

If you complain about a Haringey business

If your complaint to CACS is about a business based in Haringey, they will pass it on to us for investigation.

We get a lot of reports each year and have limited resources so we cannot investigate every complaint.

We will not contact you about your complaint unless we need more information.

All complaints are valuable to us, as we use this information to:

  • monitor the activities of local traders
  • set future priorities
  • carry out enforcement action

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