Implementing 30 hours and tax-free childcare

Information to help childcare providers, including schools, implement these offers to support working parents.

30 hours free childcare

Working parents of 3 and 4 year olds can receive up to 30 hours free childcare.

This is an extension of the current universal entitlement of 15 hours a week.

Read more on our information for parents pages.

If you would like to offer 30 hour places, please complete and send an expression of interest form to the Early Years Schools and Learning Service:

Tax-Free childcare

Parents can get help towards their childcare costs. The support goes up to:

  • £2,000 per child,
  • £4,000 per year for a child with a disability

Parents can apply for both 30 hours free childcare and Tax-Free childcare at the same time on the government's Childcare Choices website.

In order for providers to receive Tax-Free childcare payments, they need to sign up with their User ID and Unique Tax Reference (UTR). These are the numbers that HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) gave providers when they first told HMRC that they were working for themselves.

You can find your UTR on any HMRC communications (for example, your tax statement or payment reminder) or by logging onto your Personal Tax Account.

If you can’t find your UTR number or User ID, HMRC can send these numbers to your address.

Local authority schools and maintained settings, including children's centres who provide childcare such as wraparound childcare, after school clubs and holiday schemes, are unlikely to have their own UTR, therefore can use their local authority's UTR and postcode to sign up.

To create an account please go to the Childcare Support Tax Service website.

Some parents have been unable to access Tax-Free childcare through their childcare account for technical reasons. If this has happened to your parents, they may be able to claim compensation. 

For more information, call the childcare service helpline on 0300 123 4097.

Read more about Tax-Free childcare at GOV.UK.

Childcare provider portal

This service allows registered childcare providers in Haringey to complete, manage and submit funding and related information in a quick and simple way. 

For more information, please view our childcare provider portal.

Contact the early years providers team

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