Pembury House Nursery School and Children's Centre

Services available

  • Stay and play groups
  • Baby group
  • ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) courses for parents
  • One-to-one family support
  • Volunteering programmes
  • Help accessing employment
  • Support with healthy lifestyles (including healthy eating and stopping smoking)

Our nursery school provides early education for children aged from 2 to 5 years old. We provide free places for eligible 2-year-olds and for all 3- and 4-year-olds. We also provide full-time fee-paying places.

Parenting support activities

Check out the list of all the activities that the centre has to offer to support parents and carers in Haringey. 

See the list of activities

Times and activities can be subject to change at any time – always confirm with the centre.

How to register

To access services being offered at the children's centre, you will need to register your family details. You can do this by either completing a paper registration form at the centre or by completing the online form:

Register online now

Accessibility information

View accessibility information for this location on AccessAble



Pembury House Nursery School and Children’s Centre
Lansdowne Rd
N17 9XE
United Kingdom


Sylvie Kambou
Job title
Interim Children's Centre Manager

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