Working in early years

Starting a childcare role is the chance to support children as they learn, develop and prepare for school.

Working in early years opens up an industry full of opportunities. Starting a childcare role is the chance to support children as they learn, develop and prepare for school.

It’s a career path that could see you become self-employed, go into education, or secure a role that makes a difference in your local community.

If you enjoy working with children or want to combine a new career with caring for your family, watch the following video:

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About early years

The early years age group describes children aged 0 to 5. The first few years of a child’s life are crucial. Children need to be ready to start school and that means they must have developed mentally, socially and emotionally. Early years and childcare practitioners play an important role in helping children reach their full potential, from birth to school age.

Children need the right care and mental stimulation, or they could have problems later in life. As part of the learning process, babies hear, taste, touch, see and smell the world around them.

Taking in information helps the brain to develop, and a lot of change happens quickly, especially age 0 to 3. Positive experiences in their early years can make sure children develop into successful adults.

Whichever role and setting you decide to work in, you can be certain of a varied, challenging and rewarding career. You will be working closely with children of all backgrounds and abilities, helping them develop skills that they’ll use throughout their life.

It’s a career that brings fun, enjoyment and satisfaction to every day. 

You can work in early years!

To find out how to get started in your career, download a copy of our guide to find the role for you:

Contact the early years providers team

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