Young Adults Service

Reasons for having a leaving care team

Some children and young people are not able to live at home with their parents.

Instead, they are looked after by the local authority, perhaps in residential care or by foster carers. From the age of 16, young people start to prepare for the next phase of their lives – leading to independence.

In 2000, the government passed a new law, The Leaving Care Act, to make sure that all looked after children and young people received proper training and skills to support them through this transition.

Leaving care eligibility

If you have been in care for 13 weeks without a break and are in care on or after your 16th birthday, you have the right to access our services.

How we can help you

We can help you with:

  • financial support
  • a safe and nurturing place to live
  • a professional team of social workers, personal advisers and specialists who are available to offer advice, guidance and support
  • a leaving care handbook which offers information about accommodation, the law, education, training and employment, asylum, money and benefits
  • a tenancy and resettlement handbook – to provide guidance to those moving on to independence
  • occasional activities and social events

The Young Adults Service

Our team consists of social workers from children's services and Personal Advisors. Social workers assess and address a number of your daily needs including:

  • housing needs
  • education
  • social issues
  • health
  • independence skills

The young person will usually have a social worker until the age of 18 when a personal advisor or housing support worker will become the “keyworker”.

Personal advisers

You will have access to your own personal adviser who will:

  • help you realise what you can achieve
  • support you in education, training and employment
  • build on your strengths and tackle weaknesses
  • address any personal problems
  • explore alternative ways of developing talents– for example, volunteering, community projects, the arts or sport.


There are a number of staff within the Young Adults Service who are specialists in particular areas. These include:

  • Participation Officer (who works to encourage young people to be involved in the running of the service and the Council and engage with the community at large)
  • Welfare Benefits Officer
  • Placement Officer
  • Administrators


You will be offered accommodation. Depending on your age and circumstances, the options are:

  • supported lodging live as a member of a household with the choice of being part of the family
  • semi-independence shared housing with other young people and/or an independent studio flat with key worker support
  • training flat independent accommodation with outreach tenancy support
  • permanent secure accommodation owned by the council for people aged 18 and over

Education, training and employment

Your Personal Advisor is available to offer guidance. You have the right to:

  • expert advice, information and guidance from your local careers adviser
  • carry on learning, whatever route you choose after school
  • training opportunities in order to gain a qualification to NVQ level
  • advice on how to apply for a modern apprenticeship which will provide work-based training
  • support (including financial support) if you decide to go to University

Contact details

Young Adults Service
48 Station Road
Ground Floor
Wood Green, London N22 7TY

Phone: 020 8489 5800

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

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