Education timeline


The key transitions for children in care are:

  • moving into nursery provisions
  • moving between each of the key stages

Care placement and school moves should be avoided. Specifically during Year 6, 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4).

Nursery to Reception

Pre-school nursery education is not compulsory in this country. However, nursery education can be very beneficial for the young child and support the transition into reception. 

Year 2 to Year 3

At the end of Year 2, children who are in infant school transfer to the junior school. It is an important point of transition and could include a change of playground, school, head teacher, school site. These are all significant for the child.

Year 6 to Year 7

Carers and child should visit local secondary schools in the autumn term, apply for a school place and follow the secondary transition process, in line with other Year 6 children. A secondary school place will be offered in the March of the following year.

Year 9 to Year 10

Attendance at parents/carers evening is very important during Year 9. This is when the parent/carer should support the young people as they select their Key Stage 4 options. There may be a change of school site/change of Head of Year between Year 9 and Year 10. Young people can find this change difficult. Ensure that a key adult is actively working with the young person to support them through this time.

Year 11 to Year 12

This is crucial time for the young person in regards to applying for an appropriate course that is within reasonable distance of their placement. They should attend open evenings and access careers advice to ensure that young person career aspirations are realistically based on their educational attainment.

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