The guidance covers all children who were assessed as needing a social worker at any time due to safeguarding and/or welfare reasons.
This includes children aged 0 - 18, in all educational settings, subject to a Child in Need (CiN) plan or a Child Protection (CP) plan.
This is a strategic role, with Virtual School Heads using their knowledge and expertise, from promoting the educational outcomes of looked-after and previously looked-after children, to champion the education, attendance, attainment and progress of children with a social worker.
They will work to:
- make visible the disadvantages that children with a social worker can experience, enhancing partnerships between education settings and local authorities to help all agencies hold high aspirations for these children
- promote practice that supports children’s engagement in education, recognising that attending an education setting can be a protective factor in helping to keep children safe
- level up children’s outcomes and narrow the attainment gap so every child can reach their potential. This will include helping to make sure that children with a social worker benefit from support to recover from the impact of COVID-19
- identify the needs of children and young people eligible for the service
- support and advise key professionals to help children make progress, including through increasing their confidence in using evidence-based interventions