Foster Care Fortnight 2024

We offer financial support if you foster with us. You can receive up to £477 per week, per child.

Blog: Foster Care Fortnight 2024

Hold my hand through a difficult time

- Sally, Foster Carer with Haringey

It was Foster Care Fortnight from 13 to 26 May, and this year's theme was 'fostering moments'. The Fostering Network's annual campaign helps to raise the profile of fostering and show how it transforms lives. We reached out to our foster carers to ask them to share their special 'fostering moments', like:

  • when a young person hugged them for the first time
  • when they enjoyed a meal together
  • or when they were approved as a carer

Every moment matters in fostering, big and small.

Going forward, we are also reaching out to anyone who could act as a fostering advocate by helping us to distribute some 'call to foster' posters around their local community. For those happy to help, we will send out 10 A4 posters per individual so they can place them in any willing coffee shops, gyms/leisure centres, libraries etc.

Please email your address to us at and we will get the posters out to you. You do not have to be a foster carer to help with this – just able and willing to help!

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