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Roshnee's fostering at Christmas story

What Christmas is like for a foster family

Family sitting by Christmas treeFor many, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, with countless celebrations, decorations, good food and, of course, presents! However, for some fostered children, Christmas is often an overwhelming experience or a completely new occasion. Some children might be missing their birth family, for others it’s a happy time where they truly feel part of a family.

We caught up with Roshnee, a remarkable daughter of one of our amazing foster carers, to share their experience of fostering at Christmas. 

Roshnee’s family has been fostering for 11 years, so they have a lot of experience when it comes to Christmas as a foster family.

“Christmas Day for us is very special - it’s fun and exciting and filled with great foods, matching pyjamas and family games. It’s just a great, fun, family, filled-with-love day.” said Roshnee.

Christmas can be a bit different in a fostering household, as families would have to accommodate the child or children they are fostering.

We do everything differently at Christmas to accommodate the children - we do all the things that children love. We leave cookies, milk and carrots out for Santa and get them involved in the cooking. We also decorate the house to make the children feel happy and festive.

Christmas is meant to be a happy time, filled with food and presents. Roshnee told us what the children who they have fostered think is the best part of Christmas.

The children think the best part of Christmas is putting up the decorations, opening up the presents and spending time with family.

For some fostered children, Christmas can be an overwhelming experience or a completely new occasion. This means there could be a change in behaviour in children during the lead up to Christmas: this could be a positive or negative change.

There is definitely a difference in behaviour towards Christmas, everyone wants to be super good to make sure they get everything they want from presents. Also, there is so much more excitement as it means they will be on holidays and have more free time.

Roshnee has a few tips for making the festive period a happy one for all foster families: “My tip for making a happy Christmas for foster families is to really get into the spirit. Christmas really is all about the children and allowing them to feel that magic and joy is really special. Allowing children to do all the traditional Christmas bits is truly fun for them and helps create great memories for them.”        

Merry Christmas to all of our foster families celebrating, and thank you for giving your fostered children love, stability and warmth this Christmas.

For more help and support, please feel free to contact our friendly team on 0208 489 3754 or email fosteringrecruitment@haringey.gov.uk

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Page last updated:

August 26, 2021