Existing foster carers looking to change

To become a foster carer you can be married, single or living with someone.

If you're looking to change from your current fostering agency, here at Haringey we try to make things as easy as possible for you to transfer to us.

Contact our fostering team to arrange a home visit. The visit will last at least two hours and will take place at your home, where we will discuss what's needed for you to transfer to us.

If you don’t currently have a child placed with you, you can give 28 days’ notice in writing to your existing fostering agency or local authority and apply to foster with us right away.

After we’ve visited you at home, we’ll ask your existing fostering agency for a reference. Once we have received the reference, you will be able to begin the transfer process.

If you’re already fostering a child for Haringey Council then we will try to match your current agency rate for the duration of your current placement, even if this is more than our normal published allowances.

All transfers will follow the Fostering Network transfer protocol.

Remember that foster carers can only be approved by one fostering agency at any one time.

Ready to transfer?

Please contact us via the details below and we will make all the arrangements for you to transfer. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Ask about becoming a foster carer

Contact us about fostering

to find out more about fostering in Haringey.


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