Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)

An Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) is a legal document for children and young people aged 0 to 25. It outlines their educational, health, and social care needs, the support they require, and how this support should be provided in school or other settings.  

The EHCP also sets outcomes for the child or young person's goals and what they aim to achieve.  

An EHCP can only be issued after a child or young person has completed an Education, Health, and Care Needs Assessment. 

young boy smiling outside

Who needs an EHCP?

Most children with special educational needs or disabilities make good progress in school with extra support and reasonable adjustments. However, some children may have more significant challenges and need more support than the school can provide.  

If this is the case and your child is between 0 to 25, the local authority will conduct an EHC Needs Assessment. Based on this assessment, they can decide whether your child's needs require provision to be made through an EHCP.

Requesting an Education, Health, and Care Needs Assessment 

In most cases, your child’s school or educational setting will request an EHC Needs Assessment after discussing it with you. However, you or your child can also request one directly.

To do this, you need to submit a written request to the Local Authority explaining why you believe your child has special educational needs and provide any supporting evidence, such as school or medical reports.

Your child’s SEND Co-ordinator (SENDCO) is central to the process, so you should contact them in the first instance.

To request an assessment, please complete the following form:




Email the completed form to the appropriate team, or mail it to the provided address:

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, London Borough of Haringey, 5th Floor, 48 Station Road, Wood Green, London, N22 7TY

Annual Reviews

An EHCP is reviewed annually to ensure the support is working well.  

The annual review process is usually arranged by your child’s school, in which you, your child, and other relevant professionals ensure the EHCP is kept up to date as your child develops and changes.   

The EHCP may remain the same, change, or end as a result of the annual review.  

How decisions are made and moderation processes

The SEND service has two panels to ensure that decisions regarding the assessment or issue of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are fair, open, and transparent.

You can review our Special Educational Needs (SEN) Panel Terms of Reference document to understand the decision-making and moderation processes.

Global Mediation, Right of Appeal and SEND Tribunals


Global Mediation supports parents/carers of children with Special Educational Needs when there’s a disagreement about how to meet those needs. Mediation is a voluntary and informal process in which the parent/carer, the local authority and possibly the health authority (ICB) meet with an independent mediator to resolve the dispute.  

The mediator is impartial, meaning they don’t take sides or offer solutions but help both parties reach an agreement. Mediation is free and can be a simpler alternative to an appeal.  

Parents must first go through the mediation process before appealing to the Health, Education, and Social Care (HESC) Chamber of the First-Tier Tribunal. 

SEND Tribunal

If you disagree with the education sections of an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP), or the local authority’s decision not to access or issue one, you can appeal to the First-Tier SEND Tribunal and ask for these concerns to be addressed.  

This independent national tribunal appeals against local authority decisions about the special educational needs of children and young people. It also hears claims of disability discrimination against any school and maintained nursery schools.   

You must complete the mediation process before appealing to the SEND Tribunal.  

For more information on the SEND Tribunal and how to appeal, visit the GOV.UK First-tier Tribunal webpage.

Banding Descriptors

SEND banding descriptors are a tool for allocating resources for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). 
They ensure a fair distribution of resources and help identify the level of support a child needs. We use these descriptors to assess a child's needs and place them in a band. 
They also guide decisions about issuing an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) and school placements. 


If you need help

If you require independent help with the law on SEND, applying for an EHC Needs Assessment, managing appeals, including support with preparing cases and attending hearings, please contact the Haringey Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS), which provides free, impartial advice. 

T: 020 8802 2611 


Website: SENDIASS  


020 8489 1913

Early Years up to Year 5: 

Years 6 to 11: 

Year 12 and above: 

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