Haringey School Nursing Service (NHS)

The Haringey School Nursing Service is an NHS-run service of Registered School Nurses, Registered Community Nurses and School Nurse Assistants.

The Haringey School Nursing Service support children and young people (aged 4-19) attending mainstream academies, free schools, and out-of-school provisions in Haringey. They provide a valuable link between health and education with an aim to ensure that each child and young person achieves their full educational potential. 
They also offer specialist help for vulnerable children and those with health needs that may impact full participation and attendance at school. 

At any time during schooling, they can advise and support parents/carers/young people/school staff on:

  • Medical conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy, asthma and allergies
  • Enuresis (bedwetting)
  • Concerns about a child’s physical, developmental and emotional health
  • School attendance
  • Risk-taking behaviour/drugs/alcohol
  • Sexual Health

How to get support if you're a parent or carer:

Referrals are accepted from parents, teachers, social services and health professionals. Occasionally, young people who have concerns about their health can self-refer for direct advice.

Visit the Haringey School Nursing Service (NHS) website for the referral form(external link).

How to make a referral if you're a professional:

Visit the Haringey School Nursing Service (NHS) website for the referral form (external link).

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