Sixth form places are managed by each school or college. If you’re thinking about applying for sixth form, or staying at school for year 12 or beyond, contact the school or college directly.
If you're a Haringey resident, you can use our distance calculator to measure the distance from your home to Haringey schools and colleges.
You can also view sixth form locations on our interactive map.
Contact us if you'd like to talk about your options at 16, including:
- education
- employment
- training
Sixth form or college |
Age range |
Type of sixth form |
Alexandra Park School Sixth Form
Bidwell Gardens, N11 2AZ
16 to 18 |
Academy |
The College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London (CONEL)
Tottenham Centre: High Road, N15 4RU
Enfield Centre: 73 Hertford Road, EN3 5HA (satnav use EN3 5AL)
16 plus |
Further education college |
Fortismere School Sixth Form
South Wing and Sixth Form Centre: Tetherdown, N10 1NE
North Wing: Creighton Avenue, N10 1NS
16 to 18 |
Foundation school |
Greig City Academy Sixth Form
High Street, Hornsey, N8 7NU
16 to 18 |
Academy |
Haringey Sixth Form College
White Hart Lane, N17 8HR
16 to 19 |
Academy sixth form college |
Harris Academy Tottenham Sixth Form
Ashley Road, N17 9LN
16 to 18 |
Free school |
Highgate Wood Secondary School Sixth Form
Montenotte Road, N8 8RN
16 to 18 |
Community school |
John Dewey Specialist College
1 Mallard Place, Coburg Road, London, N22 6TS
19 to 25 |
Specialist College for young adults who have severe, complex or profound learning difficulties and physical disabilities. |
London Academy of Excellence Tottenham
Lilywhite House, 780 High Road, N17 0BX
16 to 19 |
Academy |
St Thomas More Catholic School Sixth Form
Glendale Avenue, N22 5HN
16 to 18 |
Academy |