Early Years SENDCOs

Resources and support for Early Years SEND Co-ordinators (SENDCOs) in Haringey.

SEND support in the early years

The Early Years SEND best practice guide describes the support that all early years settings should provide for children with SEND in Haringey.

This document and all other forms, referrals, etc., can be found on the SENDCO forms and resources webpage.

Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) pathway

Visit the SENDCO forms and resources webpage for the SLCN pathway for preschool children, parent/carer resources, advice and guidance on supporting all children's communication skills.

Support for Private, Voluntary or Independent (PVI) nursery settings

Each PVI has an allocated Area SENCO who works with them to support them in developing their inclusive practice.

The Area SENDCO meets with the setting at least three times a year to evaluate what is going well and key development points for inclusion. The Area SENCO will support the Early Years SENDCO in implementing the action plan through signposting to resources or training or working collaboratively with them through modelling and coaching.

The Area SENCO team is also available to give advice on an ad hoc basis via email or telephone.

The setting should contact their Area SENCO directly or email the team at areasenco@haringey.gov.uk

Early Years SENDCO training and networks

Haringey approved SENDCO award

All Haringey Early Years settings should have a trained Early Years SENDCO.

We run a five-part training course twice a year. You can book your training through the HEP Booking Hub

A helpful guide accompanies the training and is available on the SENDCO forms and resources webpage.

SENDCOs who complete the Early Years SENDCO training are awarded the Haringey Approved SENCO award. This is valid for one year but can be extended for Early Years SENCOs who keep their knowledge up to date by attending the Early Years SENCO Networks.

Early Years SENDCO networks

The Early Years SENDCO networks are a great place to meet other SENDCOs who work across the Haringey Early Years sector. They also provide an opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise about different aspects of special educational needs and inclusion. Our SENCOs drive our networks' agenda and focus on topics they want further reflection and support with.

We also regularly invite organisations and speakers to our networks, so it's a brilliant way of deepening your knowledge of what's available locally, the national SEND picture, and networking with others in the field of SEND.

The Early Years SENCO Network takes place at Hornsey School

  • Thursday 7 November 2024, 9:30 am-12:30 pm
  • Wednesday 2 April 2025, 9:30 am-12:30 pm
  • Wednesday 18 June 2025, 9:30 am-12:30 pm 

For more information on training, visit the SENDCO professional learning webpage

Educational Psychology Support

All Private, Voluntary or Independent (PVIs) are in a cluster group based on their locality. Each cluster group has one or two allocated Educational Psychologists (EPs). The cluster groups meet half-termly online and are free to attend. They provide an opportunity for you to discuss a child you are concerned about with other providers, the educational psychologist, and/or one of the Area SENCOs.

Providers have told us they have found them helpful even when they do not have a child to discuss, as they have learnt about different strategies. To find out when your next cluster group is, email educationalpsychologyservice@haringey.gov.uk

If you are working with a child who is not progressing with the strategies described in the Best Practice Guide and Inclusion Funding, which you have discussed in the cluster group, you may request individual support from the Educational Psychologist. This is done through the Early Years Inclusion Fund Review form. 

These documents and all other forms, referrals, etc., can be found on the SENDCO forms and resources webpage.

Starting school 

Transitions can be challenging for everyone, especially children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). As a SENDCO, supporting children and families through these transitions is a key part of your role.

Haringey has created a toolkit to support the setting's move into Reception.


There are five different types of extra funding available for children with additional needs in the Early Years:

  1. Pre-school Early Years Inclusion Funding (known as Early Years Top Up)
  2. Reception Early Years Inclusion Funding (Reception Top Up)
  3. Disability Access Funding (known as DAF)
  4. Inclusion Access Funding
  5. EHCP funding

Professionals Guide to Early Years Funding

This document is a guide to help you understand eligibility criteria and information for the five types of funding listed above.

Early Years Banding Descriptors

You can download the Early Years Banding Descriptors on the SENDCO Forms and Resources webpage under the Banding and Top ups section.

Application for Early Years Inclusion Funding 

Application form

If your request is successful and you are allocated funding to support the child, you will be allocated it for 6 months. 

You can extend this for another 6 months by completing the review form, which will be sent directly to you. Contact eytopup@haringey.gov.uk with any enquiries

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