A Guide for Parents

As Parents and Carers, you play the single biggest influence on the decisions your children will make about their future. As such, you will agree that it is important that you know where you can go for up-to-date and accurate information so that you can help and guide them appropriately.

Be mindful of RPA (Raising the Participation Age). It is fairly new Government legislation that states ‘All young people must stay in some form of learning until they are 18’. See the raising the participation age page for more detailed information.

When are the Key Transition Points?

  • During Year 9: most students will choose GCSE options that decide which pathway they will follow in Year 10 and 11. A small minority of students may choose to change institution and join a UTC (University Technical College), Studio School or Free School
  • At the end of Year 11: pupils will decide how to continue learning - this could be by joining a Sixth Form or College, through an Apprenticeship, a job with training or by doing a Volunteering placement
  • At age 18: many students will need advice about going to University/Higher Education or further training through employment or training/Apprenticeships

Where can I get help in Haringey?

Your child’s school should have a careers adviser working within it who you could ask to see. Schools have a statutory duty to ensure that all registered pupils at the school are provided with independent careers guidance from year 8 to year 13.

Careers advice for parents (external link) is a recommended website that aims to provide parents with information and support so that both students and parents alike can focus on future options.

If your child is not in school or is a NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) you can contact Paul Kirsarkye who will arrange a meeting with you:

Haringey has two further education colleges - both offer advice about the courses they provide and entry requirements.  New to the borough is Ada, National College for Digital Skills which offers sixth form and higher level apprenticeship study in the digital sector.

Useful websites

What if my child has Special Educational Needs/SEND?

Our Local Offer pages have information for parents/carers of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and explains the support offered in Haringey.

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Page last updated:

March 6, 2023

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