There’s support available for children and young people who are struggling with mental and emotional wellbeing.
If you’re a parent or carer, there’s advice about looking after a child or young person's mental health on Every Mind Matters (NHS)

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
CAMHS are NHS services that help young people with emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties.
Open Door
Counselling and psychotherapy for young people aged between 12 and 24.
Mind in Haringey
The Haringey wellbeing network works with young people aged 16 years and over who are leaving, or have left, child and adolescent mental health services.
Find out more about the Haringey wellbeing network on the Mind in Haringey website
North Central London (NCL) Waiting Room
Centralised access and referral processes into young people’s mental health services in Barnet, Enfield and Haringey.
See how to make a referral on the Waiting Room website
Haringey Family Information Service Directory
Search the Family Information Service Directory for organisations that offer mental health support. You can filter by age, location and condition.
Other mental health support