Apply for the Haringey Support Fund

Part of: Haringey Support Fund

Apply for the Haringey Support Fund now

If you need help to fill in the form, contact the Connected Communities team.

What you need to apply

To apply you need:

  • your/your partner’s National Insurance number or National Asylum Support Service (NASS) number
  • a contact telephone number and email address
  • your current full address and postcode
  • details of benefits you receive
  • details of your/your partner’s employment including your employer’s name, address and contact number (if applicable)
  • to upload a bank statement dated within the last 2 months and showing your current address
  • if you rent your home – your tenancy agreement and property inventory list (we may contact your landlord for an inventory if you do not have one)
  • if you do not rent your home – a recent utility bill, like a gas or electric bill in your name showing your current address

How we decide on funding amounts

If we decide to give you a payment, how much money you can get is based on:

  • your circumstances
  • the amount of funding there is when you apply

Your circumstances include:

  • your household income
  • people living with you
  • other help available to you (for example a Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) budgeting loan)

In situations where there's a clear emergency or crisis, the most we can give is £500. We only normally give this amount:

  • to residents in urgent need
  • to prevent a risk to health and safety
  • where no other option is available

Contact the Haringey Support Fund team

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