Controlling your dog in public

Public spaces protection order (PSPO) rules about dogs in public.

There are rules about how dogs in Haringey should be controlled when they’re in public.

These rules are known as a ‘public spaces protection order’ (PSPO). PSPOs are a way of dealing with antisocial behaviour that affects the quality of people’s lives in a community.

We know that most dog owners are responsible and respectful to their local community, but we do get complaints about dog fouling and the behaviour of some dogs.

The PSPO rules about dogs cover:

  • dog fouling
  • when dogs should be on a lead
  • areas where dogs cannot go
  • how many dogs can be walked at one time

Dog fouling

You must pick up your dog’s poo.

You must have an appropriate way to do this. This can be:

  • poop scoop bags
  • disposal bags
  • any other suitable container

It cannot be:

  • a pocket – for example, in your trousers or a coat
  • a handbag, sports bag or rucksack
  • a purse

Dogs on leads

In all areas of Haringey, your dog must be kept on a lead no longer than 2 metres, except when you:

  • are in a park larger than half a hectare
  • are in a green burial area
  • have permission from the landowner, the occupier or the person in charge of the land

If you’re asked to put your dog on a lead

If you’re in an area where your dog does not have to be on a lead, you must put it on a lead if an authorised Haringey officer asks you to.

They might ask you to stop your dog disturbing another person or animal. 

Areas dogs cannot go  

You cannot take your dog into: 

  • children's play areas
  • multi-use games areas
  • sport and recreational facilities like ball courts, pitches and pool areas
  • sensitive areas or specific horticultural areas within parks

Number of dogs you can walk

One person cannot walk more than 6 dogs at a time.

Offences and fines

If you own a dog, you must follow the PSPO rules.

If not, you’re liable for a £500 fixed penalty notice fine unless you have a reasonable explanation for not following the rules or you’re exempt.

You’re exempt if you:

  • are registered as a blind person
  • have a disability that affects your mobility, coordination or use of your hands
  • have a registered assistance dog

Contact customer services: antisocial behaviour

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